Projects for download:

  • Malaysia report, DTU and UPM (1999/2000):
    "Energy Simulation for Buildings in Malaysia"  (report word pdf, cover page word pdf, weather data text & weather data try
    NB. Permission required to use weather data
  • Greenland reports, DTU (1999 - 2005):
    "Solar Collectors for Domestic Hot Water" (click)
  • M.Sc. report, DTU (2000/2001):
    "Impact of Reduced Air Temperature and Increased Radiant Temperature on Perceived Air Quality, Thermal Comfort, SBS Symptoms and Performance" (report & appendix)
  • Ray-tracing software for use in AutoCad (2005):
    The software was conceptualised by Gregers Reimann and Tang Chee Khoay
    . The programming was done by Tang Chee Khoay (software, user-guide, example & paper)